2023 Mission TRIPS



VOLUNTEER WORK TIMES: Monday 4-7pm, Tuesday 9-11am & 4-7pm, Wednesday 4-9pm
ACTS OPENINGS: Wednesday 6-8pm by appointment only, call 270-366-7648 to request an appointment.
DONATIONS ACCEPTED: Everyday 8am-6pm.  However, due to being a volunteer ministry, if the ACTS Donation Shed is full we will lock it. We are sorry for any inconvenience. Please try again at a later date. We greatly need and appreciate the donations!!!! Thank you!!!!
TEAM LEADER: Jennifer Ellington
CONTACT: ACTS Ministry (270) 366-7648

Heartland’s ACTS Ministry is the primary vehicle through which Heartland is reaching out to our community.  Each week we need volunteers at the ACTS House to prepare for our upcoming ACTS Openings and community events.  On Wednesdays, we also need volunteers to make furniture deliveries throughout the community.  
We have ACTS Openings to welcome people from the community into the church to get things they need from the ACTS House. 
Contact (270) 366-7648 for an appointment or more information.



DATES: April and October 2023
TEAM LEADER: Larry Choate
CONTACT: Larry at larrydchoate@gmail.com

This is an opportunity to serve with an international prison ministry at the Kentucky State Penitentiary in Eddyville, KY. Kairos Inside is a ministry whose mission is to develop a Christian community inside prisons. The Kairos Inside program brings positive and negative leaders together, in both male and female institutions, for a three and a half day weekend led by same gender Kairos volunteers. Larry will have exact dates as they are set.
DATES: May 6 2023
TEAM LEADER: Pastor Marc Glass and Kendra Farris
CONTACT: HC Missions - 270-534-1400

Heartland will host another Community Health Fair in 2023 to make health services available to many in need in the Paducah area. This event will include partnerships with area doctors, businesses, and health service organizations. Numerous Heartland missionaries will be needed to help with logistics, serve food, and connect with people from the community.


DATES: June 11-16, 2023
TEAM LEADERS: Christine Althoff
CONTACT:HC Missions - 270.534.1400



DATES: July 1 - 8 202
TEAM LEADER: Pastor Brad Vose
CONTACT: Heartland Missions—270.534.1400

This will be Heartland’s third year partnering with FBC for this exciting mission opportunity. Heartland missionaries will be working with Pastor Jay Ridenour and his congregation to conduct a basketball camp. The team will help with FBC’s continued outreach and connection to a community that can be somewhat difficult to gain in-roads for the Gospel.


DATES: August 12, 2023
TEAM LEADERS: Marc Glass and Kendra Farris
CONTACT: 270.534.1400

Jumpstart is Heartland’s annual back-to-school mission outreach. We will host around 200 kids from the Paducah area on this day. We will have numerous on-campus activities for the kids, as well as a shopping trip to Walmart. It is our hope that Christ’s love in both Word and deed would be demonstrated to these families, many of whom are unchurched. Due to the size and scope of this outreach event, we will need around 400 Heartland Missionaries to serve on this day. Begin looking for sign-ups in the late Spring.


DATES: December 2023 (with potential summer trip)
TEAM LEADERS: Taylor Shaikh and Cassy Skelton
CONTACT: 270.534.1400

Heartland will at least take a December trip to work with GAP during the Christmas season. GAP is a Southern Baptist mission located in the Appalachian region of Floyd County. They seek to offer holistic care to families by meeting both physical and spiritual needs. Mission teams will partner with GAP in home visits, prayer walking, and working at the GAP distribution center. A summer team will potentially go to Weeksbury to invest in the children of the community to make the Gospel known.

International Trips


DATES: June 22-July 2, 2023 and
July 6-16, 2023
TEAM LEADER: Capulan Gurrola
CONTACT: BU at 800.411.7602

Beyond Uganda will be taking two summer vision trips to Uganda in 2023. Both trips will be open to all ages (under 15 will need a parent) and focus on the areas where BU is serving women and children. On this vision trip, participants will work alongside local Ugandans to visit homes and share the Gospel. Participants will also see first-hand BU’s work to see communities develop through the empowering of women, education of children, and restoration of families.


DATES: July 2023
TEAM LEADER: Pastor Jeremiah Ross
CONTACT: HC Students - 270.534.1400

On this family and youth-focused trip, Heartland will partner with long-time mission partners Steve and Carol Thompson, who have faithfully served in Ecuador for 20+ years. Outreach will be led through camp activities for children in the area of Tena and the Gospel will be shared with hundreds of children and adults from areas of financial and spiritual poverty.


DATES: July 2023
CONTACT: HC Missions - 270.534.1400

Ukraine has been in the headlines and hearts of many throughout the past year and the Gospel need for Ukrainians has never been more apparent. Pending on the political stability of the country, this Heartland team will serve Ukrainian orphans and refugees at either a camp in Ukraine or in a neighboring European country.


DATES:October 2023
TEAM LEADER: Deena Kendrick
CONTACT: HC MIssions - 270.534.1400
This Heartland team will work with two of our partners in Thailand. First, they will work with Pastor Ekkachai and his congregation to share the gospel with the Thai Nyaw people group in the villages surrounding Na Wa.  Second, they will partner with Dr. Doug Derbyshire and his Thai team to work various ministries in and around Bangkla.   There may be opportunities to help with a medical clinic, school programs, or church plants.


DATES: November 2023
TEAM LEADER: Pastor Marc Glass
CONTACT: HC Missions—270.534.1400

This medical and construction team will partner with Heartland missionaries Roberto and Esther Sigcho to serve the people of the Yucatan Peninsula. The team will seek to bring healing and physical relief through medical care, opening the door to address people’s greatest spiritual needs through the Gospel. The team will work directly with El Shaddai Baptist Church in Izamal to reach their local community in Izamal, as well as a village named Sitilpech where they are planting a church. The construction team will have the opportunity to build something useful for the church or seminary. This is truly one of the best mission points for new Heartland missionaries to plug into!


DATES: November 2023
TEAM LEADER: Pastor Brad Vose
CONTACT: HC Missions - 270.534.1400

This Heartland team will work with Pastor Aung and others for both evangelism and pastoral training in Myanmar. The evangelism will be through home visits in some of the villages near Kalaymyo. The team will be training and equipping the pastors and evangelists that Heartland has partnered with for several years. They will repeat these efforts in Yangon, working with Pastor Aung and his co-workers.